14 June 2008

New Element on my blog

Yesterday I implemented a new blog roll element on my blog. You'll see it in the lower half of the page- it is called Blogs I am Watching.
I had a sort of manually created one there before which was really just an html list.
What this new element does, is it draws in the title of the latest post of the blogs in my list. The list order seems to have the most recent posting at the top and so it will change as the page is accessed by a new person.
I monitor all these blogs through an RSS reader but this now makes what "my friends" do accessible to my readers. Perhaps my "friends" will notice new visitors to their blogs. I hope so. There are an additional couple of settings I could implement, which are "Snippet of most recent item" and date. I decided against this because I thought it would make the list very long.
There are already 41 blogs on the list, and I have no doubt I will find more to add.

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